Climate Protection Management

Humboldt University, with its 40,000 students and staff, is like a small community and a real laboratory for a sustainability-conscious society. But with its historic buildings and several campuses spread across the city, it faces very special challenges.
Wiebke Hampel has been working as climate protection manager at Humboldt-University since May 1, 2021. She develops the integrated climate protection concept for the university and acts as an interface between students, scientists, administrators and external stakeholders.
In addition, through her accompanying public relations work, she makes an important contribution to the high visibility and acceptance of the topics of climate protection and sustainability.

Here is the first interview (in German) with our climate protection managers.

  • Wiebke Hampel

    "My name is Wiebke Hampel and I was born here in Berlin. I studied "Integrated Natural Resource Management" and have been coordinating the Postdoc Academy for Transformational Leadership at the IRI THESys for 2 years. Now I am also looking forward to my work as Climate Protection Manager at the HU Berlin. In my spare time, I am involved in sustainable agriculture."

What is an integrated climate protection concept?

The integrated climate protection concept serves as a decision-making basis and planning aid for future university climate protection activities. In this way, we support HU Berlin on its way to becoming a climate-neutral university by the year 2030.

The climate protection concept includes the following so-called fields of action: Wastewater & Waste, Properties, Procurement, Mobility, IT Infrastructure as well as the university-specific fields of Study & Teaching, Research and Governance & Administration.

The structure of the climate protection concept is defined by the terms of funding.:

  1. It contains an analysis of the current state of the above-mentioned fields of action. Here, quantitative factors but also qualitative elements are taken into account and thus the framework conditions for climate protection within the university are recorded.
  2. Another important component of the concept is the determination of potential. Here, the possibilities for saving greenhouse gases are determined, savings targets are set and implementation strategies are developed.
  3. The last part of the climate protection concept is a catalog of measures. This is developed in cooperation with all interested stakeholders and contains concrete project ideas and measures, which are summarized in a catalog and sorted by fields of action.

The climate protection concept is going to be drawn up by the end of 2022. The measures will be implemented in the following years.

Feel free to email us with ideas for measures or any other sunstainability related comments:

The creation of the concept and the staff positions of the climate protection managers are funded by the "Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit" (Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety) through the „Nationale Klimaschutzinitiative" (National Climate Protection Initiative). The project is called: "Integrated Climate Protection Concept and Climate Protection Management of the Humboldt University Berlin" and the associated funding reference is: 03K13755. The project period started on May 1, 2021 and ends on April 30, 2023.
Further information on the funding project and the project sponsor can be found here.

For more information on the National Climate Protection Initiative of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, please visit:


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Did you ever ask yourself what the tasks of a climate protection manager are?

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