Fridays for Future

Fridays for Future at the HU

Some students of the HU Berlin are active as Students for Future in the context of the Fridays for Future movement. Their goal is to bring the climate protests from the streets to the university to promote active climate protection in the HU, politics and society.
Students for Future was also an organizing partner that facilitated the Public Climate School from 5/17 - 5/21/2021.
Furthermore, scientists at the HU are also involved in the Scientists for Future movement. One result of their engagement is the climate clock in the former gatehouse of the main building.
The commitment of both groups played a major role in the Academic Senate (AS) passing the resolution to transform HU into a sustainable and climate-neutral university at its plenary meeting in May 2019.

For more information on the current activities of the Students for Future movement at HU, there is a Telegram info channel.


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